
Save costs with payment gateways

Streamline your payment processes and automate your payments to process cost-effective online transactions. Choose from flexible affordable pricing models that suit your business best and create a customised checkout experience.

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Comparable pricing

Experience transparent pricing with SecurePay's online payment services. We use a straightforward per-transaction pricing model, with no hidden fees.


1.75% +
$0.30 AUD

Domestic cards

2.90% +
$0.30 AUD

International cards

  • No monthly fees

  • No annual fees

  • No setup fees

  • No additional fees for Amex, Diners, PayPal or Apple Pay

  • Includes FraudGuard at no extra cost

  • Includes Dynamic Currency Conversion (International card fees apply)

  • Standard $25 chargeback fee

  • Receive a rebate on Dynamic Currency Conversion transactions

Get started

Generating more than $1 million in annual revenue?

Working in the Government, Education or Charity sectors?

You may be eligible for:

  • Tailored pricing

  • Dedicated support

  • Account management

Contact our team
Online Payment Gateway Australia - All-in-one Internet payment gateway for websites - everyday payment gateway solutions

Price plans to suit your business

Access a range of flexible pricing plans depending on your business size and scope. Whether you want to only pay for what you use or pay upfront and choose a transaction limit, SecurePay supports small businesses and enterprises alike. Use our flexible card payments interface to maintain complete control of your customer checkout, billing or recurring payment experience.


More payment gateway benefits

Enjoy fast, secure online payments and efficient automated processes that enhance your business offering and customer satisfaction. Save costs, time and manual efforts using SecurePay and experience the full advantages of payment gateway benefits.

Ready to use SecurePay’s secure payment gateway?

Optimise your financial operations using SecurePay. Payment gateways streamline transactions and payment processes and can help you save costs, reduce processing fees and manual efforts for your business. 

Offering multiple payment options

Payment gateways enable businesses to accept payments online via various payment methods, most commonly credit cards, debit cards and digital wallets. SecurePay supports a wide range of payment methods that you can make available on your checkout page. By offering your customers various payment choices, you reduce the risk of cart abandonment and can increase your sales and revenue.

Processing and settling payments faster

Efficient payment gateways and seamless transaction processes can save you costs too. With a streamlined payment processer in place, you can provide faster access to funds, reduce the time between receiving payments and accessing them for business purposes. It’s especially useful for ecommerce businesses who want to increase the chances for repeat purchases from customers through an enhanced payment experience that processes orders quickly and reliably.

Automating payment processing

With SecurePay you can schedule your recurring payments, which can reduce the need for manual intervention and save you time, effort and resources. Scheduling your payments enables you to have consistent income and also minimises the risk of human error and the associated costs.

Handling refunds effectively

While refunds are often part of business operations, payment gateways can help make them more efficient and cost-effective. With the tools offered by SecurePay, you can implement refund procedures and allow your business to process and track refunds quicker, eliminate delays and support your customer satisfaction. 

Enhancing security

Safe online payments are crucial for all parties involved since fraudulent activities can lead to financial losses, customer disappointment and reputation damage. SecurePay has robust security measures in place, including encryption, tokenization and fraud detection tools, to protect both your business and your customers. By reducing the risk of fraud, payment gateways contribute to substantial cost savings and guard your revenue and reputation.

eCommerce extensions on offer

SecurePay’s payment gateway seamlessly integrates with a range of third-party ecommerce extensions such as WooCommerce, Adobe Commerce (previously Magento), OpenCart and PrestaShop. SecurePay has securely integrated with these third-parties to enable a simple integration for you. This will allow you to focus on other parts of your business such as creating a customised checkout experience for your brand.

Payment gateway cost savings with SecurePay

Explore the cost-saving power of payment gateways and increase your performance through reduced processing fees and streamlined manual efforts. With multiple payment options and automated processes, SecurePay supports your business with a safe, cost-efficient and fast online payment platform for a competitive ecommerce market.