Take your payments global

Accept foreign currency payments - with SecurePay’s Dynamic Currency Conversion solution you can offer your customers options and help them avoid conversion costs when they choose to pay in their own currency.

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What is Dynamic Currency Conversion?

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a process in which your customers can make payments on their credit card in the currency of the card’s country of issue.

When your customers choose to pay in their own currency, they lock in the exchange rate at the time of transaction and it remains the same for the lifecycle of the payment meaning they won’t have any surprises when they see their bank statement a few weeks later.

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How it works for your business?

  • Accept payments in a foreign currency

    Allow your UK customers to pay in pounds and your US customers in American dollars. The exchange rate is displayed at the checkout so your customers will know exactly what they're paying before finalising the transaction.

  • Visa and Mastercard payments only

    DCC is only permitted on Visa and Mastercard credit cards.

  • Available in leading currencies

    Our DCC solution is available in a wide range of currencies.

Benefits for you and your customers

Help expand your reach

DCC enables you to expand overseas and attain new international customers.

Help reduce risk of abandoned sales

Avoid losing customers at the checkout due to uncertainty of fees and exchange rate.

Potential cost savings

You are entitled to a rebate to offset your merchant service fee. T&Cs apply

Simple settlements and reconciliation

Unlike other DCC solutions, with SecurePay you only need one merchant account to manage all supported currencies, and funds are settled in your account in AUD.

Offer certainty

With DCC, the exchange rate is displayed for your customer at checkout, and it remains the same for the lifecycle of the transaction.

Improved customer experience

Provide your customers options and the choice to pay with the currency they are familiar with.

2.90% + $0.30 AUD

International cards

Fees include GST.

Simple and transparent pricing

You are charged our international fee per transaction and you are entitled to a rebate for each DCC transaction.

Getting started

Available through API Integration

Dynamic Currency Conversion is only available on our 'All-in-one' SecurePay product and through the SecurePay API integration.

Sign up

Sign up for SecurePay and enable Dynamic Currency Conversion to start accepting foreign currency transactions.

Existing customers

If you are already integrated with SecurePay API and would like to enable Dynamic Currency Conversion on your SecurePay account, login to your account.

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